Welcome to St. Roberts

A very warm welcome from our parish - Our Lady Immaculate and St. Robert. Our God-given mission is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ in active loving service, worship, sacrament and prayer. In particular, seeking to help the poor, the marginalised - the most vulnerable members of our society.  Christ inspires all people to live free from sin, with hope and with hearts open to truth, hope, love and compassion. With the Eucharist as the source and summit of our spiritual lives and under the protection of the prayers of Mary Immaculate and St Robert, we strive to continue Christ's ministry as faithful disciples.  Please do join us. 

We hope that this website will give you the some of the information you require regarding life at St Robert’s Catholic Church.



A very warm welcome to our parish of Our Lady Immaculate and St. Robert.


Our God-given mission is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ in active loving service, worship, sacrament and prayer. In particular, we are called to help the poor and marginalised - the most vulnerable members of our society. 


Christ inspires all people to live free from sin, with hope and with hearts open to truth, love and compassion. With the Eucharist as the source and summit of our spiritual lives and under the protection of the prayers of Our Lady Immaculate and St Robert, we strive to continue Christ's ministry as faithful disciples in the context of the sacramental life of the Church and as a parish in the Diocese of Leeds.  Please do join us. 


We hope that this website will give you some of the information you require regarding life at St Robert’s Catholic Church.


14 Oct, 2024
November is traditionally a month for remembrance, and particularly on 2nd November, All Souls' Day, which, this year, is translated to Monday 4th November, when we commemorate those for whom we grieve and all the souls who have no-one left to pray for them. As last year, there will be a special Mass at 7pm on Monday 4th November where the families of those whose funerals have taken place in the parish during the past year are invited to bring up a candle to the sanctuary in memory of their loved one. Do make a date in your diary for this important event in our spiritual calendar. Afterwards, as last year, there will be refreshments available in the parish centre including 'souls cakes'. Here's a note from Marie Baker: Everyone is invited to join us in the Centre after the All Souls Mass for tea and coffee and Souls cakes. Souls cakes are small round spiced cakes, made for All Souls Day to celebrate and commemorate the dead. The giving and receiving of soul cakes started in the Middle Ages in England. Tr
13 Oct, 2024
Here you will find the Cardinal's Pastoral Letter on Assisted Suicide mentioned in the press.
By Simon Bradbury 13 Oct, 2024
The joint pilgrimage to Palazzola and Rome of St Robert's and St Aelred's parishioners was a great success last week. Staying at the English College's villa in the Alban hills, the pilgrims journeyed to the Catacombs of San Sebastián on Tuesday, to Rome on Wednesday and to the Papal Summer Palace of Castle Gandolfo on Thursday. During the course of Wednesday, the pilgrims attended the Papal Audience in St Peter's square, took a tour through the streets of Rome and visited the Venerable English College at the kind invitation of the Rector, Fr Stephen Wang. The photograph shows the pilgrims in the garden of the English College.
02 Oct, 2024
A good number attended the first two 'Strength to Strength' sessions designed to inform and inspire our prayer lives. Thank you to all for participating with generous and open hearts. We watched a presentation by Fr Emmanuel Mansford and then, in the second session, a presentation by Giovanna Payne. Our next meeting will be confirmed shortly.

A very warm welcome to our parish of Our Lady Immaculate and St. Robert.


Our God-given mission is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ in active loving service, worship, sacrament and prayer. In particular, we are called to help the poor and marginalised - the most vulnerable members of our society. 


Christ inspires all people to live free from sin, with hope and with hearts open to truth, love and compassion. With the Eucharist as the source and summit of our spiritual lives and under the protection of the prayers of Our Lady Immaculate and St Robert, we strive to continue Christ's ministry as faithful disciples in the context of the sacramental life of the Church and as a parish in the Diocese of Leeds.  Please do join us. 


We hope that this website will give you some of the information you require regarding life at St Robert’s Catholic Church.

Parish News and Events

Please keep up to date with parish news and activities

Prayer Requests:

Please remember in prayer those who have died this week, may they rest in peace. Please pray for all the sick of the Parish, and those for whom Mass is offered this week, including those whose anniversaries occur at this time. 

If you would like to have a Mass said for a particular intention, there are envelopes available in the Narthex or talk to the parish office.




New Title

Prayer of St Bernard

Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary,

that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thy intercession

was left unaided.

Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother.

To thee do I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful.

O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions,

but in thy mercy, hear and answer me.


Click the picture for a reflection on the elderly.


14 Oct, 2024
November is traditionally a month for remembrance, and particularly on 2nd November, All Souls' Day, which, this year, is translated to Monday 4th November, when we commemorate those for whom we grieve and all the souls who have no-one left to pray for them. As last year, there will be a special Mass at 7pm on Monday 4th November where the families of those whose funerals have taken place in the parish during the past year are invited to bring up a candle to the sanctuary in memory of their loved one. Do make a date in your diary for this important event in our spiritual calendar. Afterwards, as last year, there will be refreshments available in the parish centre including 'souls cakes'. Here's a note from Marie Baker: Everyone is invited to join us in the Centre after the All Souls Mass for tea and coffee and Souls cakes. Souls cakes are small round spiced cakes, made for All Souls Day to celebrate and commemorate the dead. The giving and receiving of soul cakes started in the Middle Ages in England. Tr
By Simon Bradbury 13 Oct, 2024
The joint pilgrimage to Palazzola and Rome of St Robert's and St Aelred's parishioners was a great success last week. Staying at the English College's villa in the Alban hills, the pilgrims journeyed to the Catacombs of San Sebastián on Tuesday, to Rome on Wednesday and to the Papal Summer Palace of Castle Gandolfo on Thursday. During the course of Wednesday, the pilgrims attended the Papal Audience in St Peter's square, took a tour through the streets of Rome and visited the Venerable English College at the kind invitation of the Rector, Fr Stephen Wang. The photograph shows the pilgrims in the garden of the English College.
02 Oct, 2024
A good number attended the first two 'Strength to Strength' sessions designed to inform and inspire our prayer lives. Thank you to all for participating with generous and open hearts. We watched a presentation by Fr Emmanuel Mansford and then, in the second session, a presentation by Giovanna Payne. Our next meeting will be confirmed shortly.
07 Sep, 2024
Here's a couple of links to help in preparation for the upcoming Forty Days for Life which seeks to focus hearts and prayer on an end to abortion
02 Sep, 2024
There are many ministries happening all the time in St Robert's parish - that of taking communion to the sick, caring for the needs of the poor, gathering to pray and worship, altar serving, readers, offertory collection and counting, catechesis of the young and those preparing for sacraments, music, safeguarding and finance to name but a few. On Sunday 20th October, after both the 9am and the 11am Masses in the parish centre we are planning an exhibition of the various ministries to which you are invited. It will be an opportunity to find out more about the work of the parish and to discover how you might help in your own unique way in the mission of St Robert's. Do make a note of the date in your diary.
14 Aug, 2024
There are currently five young people attending the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) Course and we keep them in our prayers as they continue to discover where the Lord is leading them. If you have felt called to discover more about the Catholic faith, do speak with Fr Simon after Mass to discuss how the parish can accompany you on your own spiritual journey.
28 Jun, 2024
We are looking to recruit more altar servers for the 5pm Vigil, 9am and 11am Masses at St Robert's. Those eligible to apply are aged up to 18, having made their first reconciliation. It is important that the parents of new recruits are prepared to make sure their regular attendance each week, ideally at the same Mass, to ensure that all services are covered. If you would like to be an altar server, please register your interest with Fr Simon or with Mr Paul Parker, who leads the servers at the 11am Mass or Mr Dave Baker, who leads the servers at the 9am Mass.
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Join St Robert's 200 Club


 Join the parish 200 Club to have chance of winning monthly prizes and raising funds for parish activities.


 Click on the button below for more details and an application form.



More Details



Our current Mass times for St Robert's can be seen below. Please check back regularly for any changes. Should Mass times be adjusted, then in the first instance we would recommend that you check the times below and always refer to the parish Newsletter.


St. Robert's Church


Saturday Vigil:   5pm


Sunday: 9.00am | 11.00am 


Please check weekday Mass times below on the bulletin as they are subject to change:


Monday: 12 noon


Tuesday:   9am


Wednesday: 12 noon


Thursday: Usually no Mass


Friday: 12 noon (Exposition 11.30am)



Sacrament of Reconciliation


Saturday 4pm-4.40pm



Also available by appointment with a Priest


Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction


Friday 11.30am – 12 noon






St Robert’s Bulletin


No-one can really prepare you for the loss of a loved one. Many, (with good intentions), often respond the only way they know how - 'time will heal you.' The truth is, that when there is a void to fill that is so deep, all others can do is be there for you, and offer what love and help one can. We have prepared some useful resources for you on the link below; in the meantime, if you would like to talk with someone who would understand what you have been through; then we might be able to guide you. Most importantly we would urge you to remain prayerful and keep asking our Lord to help with the hurt and the pain that you may be experiencing..

Guidance for planning a funeral

Global Healing - care for our common home.

A film commissioned by the Bishops' Conference of England and Wales (33 minutes long).

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